Thursday, November 28, 2019
The poetry of Wordsworth and Blake Essay Example
The poetry of Wordsworth and Blake Essay The poetry of Wordsworth and Blake differ greatly in the style in which they are written, in particular the poetic structure, such as the length of lines and the rhyme schemes. The William Wordsworth poem Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802 was a sonnet written mainly to convey a sense of happiness and good-nature in reference to both London at the moment in time, as well as his mood and outlook on the world and its beauty at the present time. The William Blake poems analysed in this essay are taken from Song of Innocence, and refer to the innocence of children and the corruptness surrounding them in the town of London, contrasting to the wonderful sights that Wordsworth describe the city to offer.In Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802, the poem begins with a very optimistic outlook on the appearance of London from the bridge which continues throughout the first octave. The comparison to other cities on Earth is made with not any thing to show more fair, where the breaking up of the words not, any and thing emphasise the beauty of London in first impressions, as opposed to simply using the alternative, nothing. Emphasis is also placed in the description of an everyday person who would look upon London and see nothing of Wordsworths imagery as being a dull man. In further reference to extravagance, the effect of referring to the city as a whole as majesty is very regal and the freedom of such a city is very promising to the reader, as opposed to the restriction and confinement of the community of Blakes London, from Songs of Experience.The simile like a garment wear is used in the fourth line in reference to the city of London to give the impression of superiority that the beauty was only to be worn by London and no other. Also, to wear the beauty of the morning is personification of the citys ability to reflect beauty in its landscape. The ships, towers, domes, theatres and temples lie open unto the fields, and to the sky shows the city as having no boundaries to its extent of appearances. The listing of the infrastructure London has to offer from a view from Westminster Bridge also helps an image to broaden out and show a full panorama of London as being a peaceful environment.What is described from the buildings being open unto the fields, and to the sky in line seven is symbolic of a city being open and free, inviting people to follow. However, this could be a metaphorical description, as is the remaining few lines of the octave and the entire sestet. Onomatopoeia in line eight glittering is used to demonstrate images of smokeless air, when we know in fact that accounts of London in Blakes poetry are full of bleak colours, for example shades of grey and black. The sestet then begins with personification: never did sun more beautifully steep in his first splendour; the phrase spanning lines nine and ten portray imagery of a wonderful landscape which is not native to where Wordsworth is overlooking. It is with t his that we see a description of perfection in the mind, stating neer saw I, never felt, a calm so deep and helps the reader also feel calm in the perceptions and imagery being created. The river also flows at his own sweet will, which is considerate of freedom, which differs greatly with the sense of imprisonment within the life of a Londoner being nothing of a tranquil sort.In London, Blake describes the city in the present tense, with wander. This shows that the description of corrupt environment and containment is a regularly occurrence in the city, with him marking in every face I meet marks of weakness, marks of woe. Though metaphorical, the marks have been used instead of the word signs to show lack of rebellion and struggle, linking with a self-inflicted ruling conveyed in the metaphor of the mind-forged manacles. The constant suppression of freedom is also led onto the each chartered street, near where the chartered Thames does flow with implications of restrictions, which differs from the sense of freedom in the entire poem by Wordsworth.The word chartered suggest organisational work made to narrow chances of self-determination within small communities. Self -determination is also for all ages, which seems very unlikely in the first two lines of the second stanza. In every cry of every man, in every infants cry of fear the people fear those who are in control, which is explained by Blake to be the corrupt Church in the final stanza of the poem. A motif of prohibition and limitation is featured across the four stanzas: chartered (stanza one); ban (stanza two); appalls (stanza three); curse (stanza four). The use of the word ban also contrasts another meaning for the word chartered in the first stanza, where it could mean the freedom of the people being granted to them by the sovereign of the time.In stanza three of London, Blake uses another focus of one of his poems from the earlier collection Songs of Innocence: The Chimney Sweeper. The chimney swee per, who was a young child employed to sweep the soot from within chimneys to allow drafts through, was a form of child exploitation, which was seemingly encouraged by the Church, one reason why it was deemed by Blake to be corrupt. In this poem, Blake uses the colour black to emphasise the corruptness of the church, which should be appalled by the behaviour expressed in favour of chimney-sweeping. The present participle blackning is also stressing the continuing dishonesty of the Church, which should be a colour of white in recognition of purity.The children in London are known to be used to clean the chimneys despite their own safety being at risk, which can be linked to the seemingly smokeless air in line eight of Westminster Bridge; the ignorance of Wordsworth in the poem can symbolise the childs ignorance to the work they are doing, believing it to be the better for them. It is also with children that the final stanza is most effective, with the work of the young harlot corrupt ing the symbol of marriage. The tears of the new-born infant is supposedly blast, damaging the innocence of the child and describes the true image of the city of London as being one of unfaithfulness, dishonesty and mistrust. The final line describes the marriage having blights with plagues, the marriage hearse, which is a deliberate adaptation of the vow till death do us part, where the freedom of the wife is contained with the man, who is unfaithful to her.Holy Thursday is another poem which can be found in Blakes Songs of Innocence, with a second version also found in Songs of Experience. The title of the poem itself opens up to a common theme of irony, where the day is not perceived by Blake as being holy. With their innocent faces clean, the children are very easy to manipulate and be controlled, and the cleanliness suggests that they are only clean on the Holy Thursday and no other day, symbolising a sense of regime and control. Their movement is also very controlled, where it says in line two that they walk in two two in red bleu green; the movement is structured and similar to Noahs Ark in the Old Testament, where the animals are being led to safety, whereas the children here are being led into the church walls in colours of the liberied companies. The liberied companies were those responsible for sponsoring their education, and the colours would help determine that as well as your own background, socially and economically.Grey headed beadles suggests age and wisdom in the masters of the children, but when paired with the bright colours of the children, grey is very dull and represents the lack of life which the beadles seem to have in comparison to the children, still full of life, innocence and honesty. The corruptness is also brought through with the slight reference to magic in line three using the euphemism: with wands as white as snow. The magic is a reference to misconduct and control, which also seen in the first stanza of London and the col our of white is used ironically against the wands to show purity and goodness within the Church, who seems to be outwardly condoning magic and witchcraft. Another usage of the river Thames is used in the last line of the first stanza in reference to the children entering the Church, where both the Thames and the children are freely moving into an area where it will eventually be controlled by something or someone, in this case the beadles/masters.O what a multitude of flowers of London town represents the children as a whole and shows the colour and innocence they have, but is later juxtaposed to the seating in companies which is a restraint on the children, compared to the mind-forged manacles of the everyday person in London. The lack of freedom is then contradicted again with radiance of the children, symbolising their liberty and innocence being childlike and it cannot be taken from them because it is all their own. Blake then used the biblical word, multitudes, to describe the seating arrangements of the children within the church walls and is used with double entendre,in the meaning that the children of innocence were seated like lambs (supposedly an allusion to Jesus Christ as the Lamb of God), but are seated in a way which their innocence can easily be sacrificed amongst beadles (supposedly a suggestion to the meaning of Abraham and the sacrificing of the lamb for God). This forced conformity is a prominent motif in the poem, as well as pathos appearing in the last line of stanza two. They raise their innocent hands, which is a reference to the treatment of children at the time when they would be beaten from having their hands dirty, and is as if they are reaching out to God through hymn.Compared to Upon Westminster Bridge, the children are very similar to Wordsworths ideology of the city of London when they sing to heaven the voice of song. In this, it shows that the childrens innocence shows no limits as to what they believe in, and can extend themse lves to the sky and upon to fields, much like the description of London in Wordsworths view from Westminster Bridge. Beneath them sit the aged men where pronunciation of the word aged would be emphasis (age-ed) to show goodness in the hearts of the children, and less so in the hearts of their masters.The irony in line 11 is the guardians of the poor, when the nature of the beadles and masters jobs were not to aid the children through means without inflicting harm. Paired with line 14, Blake offers a message to the people of the time that they should cherish pity, lest you drive an angel from your door. This one line symbolises the importance of perception as good and as bad, for the treatment of the children is not shaping them for the better, as they believe it to be doing. The irony of the guardians is that they are doing to opposite of what they set out to do, which is now ultimately driving an angel from your door, being ignorant to each other and showing no thought for mistreat ment and misguidance.In the poem The Chimney Sweeper the children are further discouraged from liberation, demonstrated in way the poem has been written. The chimney-sweepers relevance to the city of London is the widespread occurrence of young children working to clear chimneys in the heavily industrialised city. The innocence of children contributes heavily to what is effectively their exploitation. In the first stanza, the opening is very personal and the helplessness of a child is expressed when he recalls he could scarcely cry weep! weep! weep! weep!. The repetition is a technique used by Blake to establish guilt towards the child. Linking to his age, his inability to speak is linked into his daily routine of the chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep.The literal implication of the line is the lack of hygiene provided for the child, but also has a metaphorical importance, in the metaphorical darkness and pre-conceived doom of him and the other children. In the second stanza, the sense of being controlled by authority which is similar to those described as grey headed beadles in Holy Thursday. When the child says that you know that the soot cannot spoil your white hair, the colours in the image conveyed are very dismal and the staining of white is a metaphor for the exploitation of the children. In the third stanza, the child describes a dream which he experienced. Being locked up in coffins of black, the finality of the coffin is made sure with the lock, symbolising a secret, possibly the cruelty of child exploitation.In relation to the image portrayed by William Wordsworth in Upon Westminster Bridge, the openness and freedom in Wordsworths portrayal of London is contradictory to what Blake describes the city as a place of corruption, similar to the ideas in Holy Thursday and the corruption which the people believed would benefit those cared for by wise guardians of the poor. The idea of freedom in Wordsworths sonnet is also contradicted by the structure o f a coffin: a sealed box with little room for manoeuvre, similar to the structure of a chimney, designed to stop the soot from entering the house through the shaft.In the fourth stanza, the description of the place where Tom visits in his dream as being a green plain, similar to the description of London in Upon Westminster Bridge, however the remaining stanzas outline a very conformist perception of work for children. The rhyme scheme of the poem as a whole is comparable with that of a nursery rhyme, making the concept much easier to understand for both the reader and the child. This sense of understanding allows the child then to be lured into the exploitation, thus associating with the dream Tom Dacre sees.With all their bags left behind in the dream after being set free, and then got with our bags and our brushes to work symbolises the assumed need for the children to work in order to achieve happiness, another resemblance to irony that is people believing they are doing good by them, but are not realising they are doing the opposite. The final line is also linked to the eleventh and twelfth lines in London: And the hapless soldiers sigh Runs in blood down palace walls; the quote links with the needlessness for people to fight in a war condoned by a corrupt church, mirrored by the needlessness for young children to be placed in a confined space by a corrupt way of life and treatment of infants.A continued theme of neglect by the family is seen in the poem The Little Boy Lost. The first of the two stanzas is dialog, instantly conveying to the reader a sense of guilt towards the neglect of the father. The sense of innocence in the third line, Speak, Father, speak to your little boy, is placed on the emphasis of little, since the line is dactylic trimester, meaning there are three feet in the line, each containing three syllables, of which the first is stressed. The importance of the stress on little is also symbolic of the responsibility which the man should have for his child, and seem to have disowned him. When the sun appears to have set, the child is then left abandoned. In A Little Boy Found, the poem is similar to all other poems in the collection of Songs of Experience, where it reveals the truth about London from the viewpoint of William Blake.Being very different from Wordsworths opinion of London as a visitor, Blakes outlook on Londons children and their treatment is descriptive in the poem. In the third stanza, the child is accused of blasphemy and is taken by priest to be made an example of. He led him by his little coat, and all admired the priestly care demonstrates the corruptness and controlling nature of the Church on individual beliefs is strict. When the priest bound him in an iron chain, and burned him in a holy place, the enjambment of the last three verses emphasises continuity of the process. The repetition of the weeping parents wept in vain in the fourth and fifth stanzas shows that the parents could not do any thing to save their child but cry and pray. In the final stanza, the first two lines emphasise the reality of the situation, stating the Church as being a place where many had been burned before, and questions the reputation of Church as a house of God if there are such thing done on Albions shore.The Sick Rose is not a poem which directly refers to London in a literal manner, but the meaning of the poem can be perceived as having a bearing on the perception of London. Blake instantly addresses the rose in the opening line, personifying the rose as an animated being, possibility a person. The invisible worm is a symbol of something in the air which we can neither see nor touch in the air, but the worm can destroy, much like the image painted when a worm is found within rotting apples. The concept of a small blemish destroying its vicinity could be a reference to London in the way the community lives and how it could lead down a long line of consequences in a sick London. The descrip tion of the red being a crimson variation could be a reference to love and the corruption of the Church in London, where the final stanza references Blakes viewpoint on marriage.Has found out thy bed could be the invisible disease on the physical rose bed, an unwanted creature which takes away its freedom; the double entendre of the line is an invisible disease similar to the harlots curse in London, where the unwanted person takes away the freedom of love and marriage. The oxymoron of dark secret love is also contradictory to the Church, in the concealment of love being impure in its nature, being lust or extramarital affairs. In another perception, the Rose could also be a reference to England, as the heraldic badge of England being the Tudor rose. With the capital being London, the rose would then be a direct reference to the sickness of London and the way in which lives exist, contradictory to Upon Westminster Bridge in its tranquil surroundings, unaffected by any sickness.In th e poetry of William Blake, the comparison with Wordsworths Composed upon Westminster Bridge, Sept. 3, 1802, is clearly shown to be a bleaker, yet more vivid and representative an outlook of London at that time. The presentation of London in Upon Westminster Bridge is less so, especially in the sestet of the sonnet describing a setting not consistent with the octaves physical description of the buildings present. Although Wordsworths conveyance of happiness and tranquillity as a result of seeing London from Westminster Bridge is clearly evident, Blakes poems contains more extended metaphors in those found on Songs of Experience, such as London.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Cuánto es el Impuesto sobre la venta en Estados Unidos
Cunto es el Impuesto sobre la venta en Estados Unidos El impuesto sobre la venta o sale tax es de las cosas que ms sorprende a turistas y migrantes recià ©n emigrados a Estados Unidos porque generalmente no est incluido en el precio y asà lo que se paga por un producto puede ser diferente al costo de la etiqueta. Tambià ©n llama la atencià ³n la diferencia del monto del impuesto segà ºn el estado e incluso ciudad o condado y tambià ©n la gran variedad de productos o servicios a los que no aplica este impuesto. Este artà culo contiene informacià ³n sobre quà © estados no tienen sale tax, cul es el impuesto sobre la venta que aplica en cada uno de los estados que sà lo recaudan y cules son las principales excepciones a la regla general. Finalmente, se explican cules son las reglas que aplican a las compras por internet. Estados sin impuesto sobre la venta o sale tax Cinco estados que no tienen impuesto sobre la venta: AlaskaDelawareMontanaMontanaOregà ³n Cul es impuesto sobre la venta se paga por estado en EE.UU. Dentro de los estados que sà tienen este impuesto las reglas son distintas. Algunosà permiten incrementos a nivel local y hay que sumar al precio de la etiqueta el impuesto a las ventas del estado y el impuesto del condado y/o municipalidad. Es posible que en los estados con este tipo de impuestos algunos artà culos està ©n exentos. Es comà ºn que esto suceda con alimentos no procesados o remedios (medicinas) con prescripcià ³n mà ©dica, por ejemplo. Tambià ©n puede suceder con la ropa. Por ejemplo, en Nueva York ropa y calzado por un costo inferior a $110 por unidad o par no est sujeto a este impuesto. Asimismo, es posible que algunos bienes o servicios està ©n gravados con un porcentaje ms alto que el general. Por ejemplo, rentar por un tiempo corto un auto, en algunos estados como Massachusetts, eso sucede con la compra de artà culos considerados de lujo.à Teniendo en cuenta todo lo dicho lo que hay que tener claro es que el precio en una etiqueta no se corresponde casi nunca con lo que se paga en la caja.à Alabama: 4%. Puede haber recargo localAlaska: no tiene. Las municipalidades pueden imponerloArizona: 5,6%. Ciudades y municipalidades pueden incrementarloArkansas: 6,5%, pero hay casos especiales como parques y turismo, alcohol, etc.California: 6%, permitià ©ndose sobrecargo de ciudades y condados y tarifas especialesCarolina del Norte: 4,75% permitià ©ndose sobrecargos localesCarolina del Sur: 6% sobrecargo del 1% a los condados. Marihuana: 10%.Connecticut: 6,35%. No se permite recargos locales.Dakota del Norte: 5%, permitià ©ndose legalmente incrementarlo mximo de 3%Dakota del Sur: 4,5%. Las ciudades pueden incrementar mximo un 2%Delaware: no hay impuesto a las ventas, ni estatal, ni local.Florida: 2%. Los condados pueden incrementar 0 - 2%. Las ciudades no pueden grabar Georgia: 4%, ciudades pueden incrementar 0-1,5% y condados 2-4%.Hawaii: 4%. Condados pueden aà ±adir 0 - 0,5%Idaho: 6%. Ciudades y municipalidades pueden incrementar entre 0 y 3%.Illinois: 6,3%. Ciudades y muni cipalidades pueden recaudar mximo 2,75% Indiana: 7%. No hay sobrecargo local.Iowa: 6%. Localmente puede haber un incremento del 1%Kansas: 6,5%. Ciudades y municipalidades pueden sumar un mximo del 3%Kentucky: 6%Louisiana: 5%. Localmente se puede imponer una tarifa mxima del 7%.Maine: 5,5%, con algunos impuestos especialesMaryland: 6%Massachusetts: 6,25%Michigan: 6%Minnesota: 6,875%, permitià ©ndose localmente aumentarlo un mximo de 1%Mississippi: 7%. Localmente puede incrementarse entre 0 y 1%.Missouri: 2,888%. Localmente puede incrementar 4,225% y St Louis y Ballwin un 1%.Montana: no hay sale taxNebraska: 5,5%, se incrementa localmente 0 y 2%. Los condados entre 0 y 0,5%.Nevada: 4,60%. Localmente puede incrementarse a un mximo del 3,55%Nuevo Hampshire: no tiene impuesto sobre la ventaNuevo Mà ©xico: 5,125%, pero con sobrecargos locales puede llegar al 8,938%Nueva York: 4%, ciudades/municipales y condados pueden incrementar mximo 4,75%Ohio: 5,75% se le puede aà ±adir localmente entre el 0,75à y 2,25%Oklahoma: 4,50%. L as ciudades pueden incrementar hasta un 5,5% y condados 2,50% Oregà ³n: no aplica este impuestoPennsylvania: 6%. Las ciudades no tiene y condados aplican mximo sobrecargo 2%Rhode Island: 7%. No permite incrementos locales.Tennessee: 7%. Las ciudades pueden cobrar hasta 0,5% y condados 1,5-2,75%Texas: 6,25%. Ciudades y municipalidades pueden cobrar mximo 2% adicionalUtah: 4,7%. Las ciudades/municipalidades pueden incrementar mximo 2%.Vermont: 6% Localmente se incrementa desde el 0 al 1%.Virginia: 5,3%. En Northern Virginia y Hampton Roads: 6%. Localmente se subir 1%.Virginia Occidental: 6%. Ciudades/municipalidades pueden aà ±adir 0-1%.Washington: 6,5%. Localmente puede incrementarse mximo 3,9%Wisconsin: 5%. Los condados pueden incrementar un mximo 0,5%Wyoming: 4%. Los condados pueden incrementar entre 0 y 2% à ¿Cul es el impuesto sobre venta en Puerto Rico? En el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico, donde aplican las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos- se cobra un 10,5% de impuesto sobre la venta y los condados estn autorizados a incrementar por este concepto un mximo de un 1%. Sale Tax Holidays En ocasiones los estados pueden declarar unos dà as como vacaciones en el impuesto sobre ls ventas y no se cobra. Generalmente, se trata de un fin de semana que se anuncia previamente o se fija con ocasià ³n de un evento o situacià ³n especial, como el inicio del curso escolar o para comprar todo lo necesario relacionado a preparacià ³n en temporada de huracanes. Impuesto sobre las ventas en compras por internet en EE.UU. Hasta fechas muy recientes, como regla general, si la empresa vendedor tenà a una tienda en el estado en el que reside el comprador, deberà a cobrar sale tax, pero casi ninguno lo hacà a aunque habà a importantes excepciones, como Apple, Walmart, Target o Amazon, que cobraban este impuesto aà ºn cuando no tuvieran presencia fà sica en el estado del comprador. Todo ha cambiado con una sentencia de la Corte Suprema de junio de 2018 en la que se anulà ³ la sentencia que se conoce como Quill vs. South Dakota. Por lo tanto, actualmente las ventas por internet en EE.UU. ests sujetas, siempre, al impuesto sobre la venta que aplica en el estado del comprador. 3 tips para turistas internacionales Estados Unidos es el segundo paà s que ms turistas internacionales recibe en todo el mundo, muchos de ellos vienen exclusivamente a comprar. Sin embargo, solo dos estados permiten a losà turistas internacionales recuperar el impuesto a las ventas: Louisiana y Texas, y en condiciones estrictas. Por ejemplo, hay que llegar y marcharse por avià ³n. Una de las compras preferidas de turistas con alto nivel econà ³mico es la compra de segunda vivienda, como inversià ³n o para disfrutar en vacaciones. En este caso, es importante conocer las consecuencias migratorias y fiscales de este hecho. Finalmente, para venir a Estados Unidos y comprar, adems de saber cunto impuesto a las ventas se paga en cada estado, es importante no poner en riesgo la visa. Recordar que son muchas las acciones que pueden causar problemas, por ejemplo, estas sonà 10 causas por las que pueden cancelar la visa. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Comparative of two countries police agencies Essay
Comparative of two countries police agencies - Essay Example Other theft 547,800 437 per 100,000 Total 944,084 4512 per 100,000 e- Political scandals or problems in the country's government AWB's wheat export to Iraq in Saddam Hussein's regime. f- Number of prisons or correctional institutions Prisons= 35 Correctional centers= 41 Juvenile prisons= 2 Remand prisons= 5 Detention Centers= 4 g- Rank structure for correctional officers CO-Correctional Officer SPO- Senior Prison Officer CPO- Chief Prison Officer G1-Governor Grade 1 G2-Governor Grade 2-Operations Manager G3-Governor Grade 3-Centre Manager h- Incarceration rate and number of persons incarcerated Incarceration rate: 163 per 100,000 Number of persons incarcerated: 25,790 i- Use of death penalty-number per year and method No death penalty in Australia j- Identify and discuss one or more significant challenges to the country's CJ system Equal rights to indigenous people in the criminal justice system k- Identify any terrorist groups or organizations active in the country selected Lashkar-e-Taiba, al-Qaeda and Jemaah Islamiah Based in foreign countries like Afghanistan and Pakistan but actively operating in Australia and alleged to be supporting terrorist training to the Australians and receiving heavy funding from Australia. There have been no...In particular, the rate of crime and imprisonment, death punishment and juvenile justice system are some of the features of the country's criminal justice system that make it distinct from many countries. Australia is also one of the countries with different crime and imprisonment rates as well as approaches towards death punishment and youth offence as compared to the United States. The country's juvenile justice system, in particular, is significantly different form the one prevailing in the United States. This essay identifies and elaborates various differences that are prevalent in the criminal justice system of Australia and the United States. It discusses from basic crime and imprisonment rates to distinct juvenile justice systems in both the countries. The criminal justice system of Australia and the United States are marked with significant differences. Despite the fact that both the countries belong to the realm of western world, yet there happen to be several aspects where the criminal justice system of the U.S. and Australia differ. In Australia there were a total of 45,201 sworn police officers in the year 2004-05 (Sworn police officers in Australia, 2006), whereas in the United States there were 673,146 sworn officers in the year 2005 (Full-time Law Enforcement Employees, 2005).
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Downfall Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Downfall - Movie Review Example Traudi Junge, who is Hitlerââ¬â¢s personal secretary and an individual who is not political, gives an account of the activities that take place in two weeks that begin on twentieth April 1945 that is also Adolf Hitlerââ¬â¢s birthday. Traudi and a lot of other Nazi party leaders spend these two weeks in a bunker that belongs to the Fuhrer as they seek safety from the ongoing attack by the Russian troops who are getting further into Berlin. By the looks of how the Russian troops are getting further into Berlin, it is almost guaranteed that the Russians will win this war and be in control of Berlin as Germany loses the war. As this goes on, Hitler together with his army is contemplating on which course of action to take. While Hitler struggles with this decision, many are giving him the option of leaving Berlin or surrendering to the Russian troops, an action that apparently is going to save the lives of the large population of Germans who are civilians. Despite these calls by tho se around him, Hitler announces that Germany is going to be victorious and instructs all his advisers and the generals in his military to fight the Russians troops to death. The movie gives an account of the last days of Berlin, in which senior leaders in German including Goring and Himmler start to defect from their leader as they try to spare their lives. On the other hand, a leader like Joseph Goebbels gives a pledge to die fighting together with Hitler (Smith, 2010). Hitler takes his stand and does what he thinks stands for the political ideas.
Monday, November 18, 2019
NAFTA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
NAFTA - Essay Example An understanding of the economic effects and the benefits of this agreement is important for those personnel who are to be stationed in near shore positions located in Mexico or Canada. The first benefit for large American based companies who choose to deploy a part of their operations in Mexico or Canada is the economic advantage of lowered recruitment and Human Resource Cost for skilled and unskilled labor as compared to the economic market in America (Wikipedia, 2006). Additionally, American operations managers and executives of companies working in Mexico have the advantage of a higher standard of living in Mexico since the cost of living is lower (World Bank Group, 2001). After a decade of free trade with America, the Mexican economy like the Canadian economy has become very closely linked to the American economic system. NAFTA therefore is essential for Mexicoââ¬â¢s continual growth and economic survival as a trillion dollar plus economy. With NAFTA the economy of Mexico has experienced booms but there is still some controversy about the application of the rules under NAFTA (Wikipedia, 2006). The opposition mostly comes from the economic crisis which Mexico went under soon after the signing of the treaty in 1995. However, the data collected by the World Bank and other economic agencies show that NAFTA has been mostly beneficial for the economy of Mexico since the poverty rated have gone down and economic improvement has resulted in greater job opportunities for the Mexican people. Real incomes and salaries have been on the rise and if the government continues to invest in education and other public projects for development Mexico could become one of the fastest growing economies of the world (World Bank Group, 2001). While the trade between the countries has been liberalized like the European Common Market, the national sovereignty of nations has not been changed and the laws for
Friday, November 15, 2019
Relation between change management and emotional intelligence
Relation between change management and emotional intelligence Introduction Every business need to go through changes in the comparative business environment , this may happen different ways in different organisations, some of organisations may imposing the changes on workforces, such as redundant, salary review. Others may focus on re-engineer or re-structure business model. However, change management is the basic skills for managers and leader to adopt; it is essential approach to organisation to implement. ( ) define change management as The systematic approach and application of knowledge, tools and resources to deal with change. Change management means defining and adopting corporate strategies, structures, procedures and technologies to deal with changes in external conditions and the business environment. There are different change management models been published, such as Kanters 10 commandments, Pettigrew 5 factors, Kotters 8 failure and success factors . Similarly, at the beginning stage of change models, it is essential to create vision to change then motivate employees to accept, act and attain the change. It is not easy as says. People have good reason to resistant the changes, because the nature of change , include the risk and uncertainty, which most of people do not like that, also different people have the different preferences, some people like to stay where they are, these people can be named as stability oriented. Some people may resistance to change for emotional reasons, for instance, someone doesnt like to change job, because he/ she doesnt want someone else to tell them what to do. SARA Model Therefore, when the change is undergoing, people tend to go through a series of stages, people call it as SARA Model: S- hcok A- nger R- ejection A- cceptance Shock: It is nature for people to face the shock, when it comes across the changes, confusion or disorientation is symptom in this stage. Anger: it expresses in different ways, employee may anger with oneself or others, in particular, people close to them, they need to show the feeling when the change happen. Rejection: in some case, at first, people would like to reject the change rather to accept it instantly. In this stage, the rejection not only appear on the action, also include the denial of emotional impact. Acceptance: in the stage, people able to accept the change and adopt it. It also involved the negative acceptance, such as resign for work. The key principle advocated by the change management theory is communication; it is significant to keep employees informed completely before the change happens, the managers should prepare themselves to deal with employees reaction in the change process. It is not simply get people together and give orders, the manager need to monitor employees emotion in different stages of SARA model. Emotion and Emotional Intelligence Emotion is the power to drive the employees actions in the organisation; it is also the primary driving force behind motivation. Managers need to be aware of employees emotion movement, be able to understand it, then control the emotion in certain level to maintain the relationship, teamwork and work efficiency. The development of the reading and express emotions along with management skills will improve motivation for employee and increase the productivity for organisation. In 1980s psychologists, evolutionary biologists, psychiatrists, scientists had identified a series of human capacities related to emotions. By 1983, a psychologist, Howard Gardner from Harvard university, who identified the multiple intelligence, as ( ) claimed it has seven kind of intelligence, include two personal varieties: knowing ones inner world and social adeptness. The term emotional Intelligence was introduced by two psychologists, John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey in 1990, they define the Emotional Intelligence as the set of abilities that account for how peoples emotional perception and understanding vary in their accuracy. More formally, emotional intelligence as the ability to perceive and express emotion, assimilate emotion in thought, understand and reason with emotion, and regulate emotion in the self and others. ( ) In contrast, in 1995, Daniel Goleman published a book called emotional intelligence: why it can matter than IQ, which became the best-seller internationally, ( ) claimed the emotional intelligence as the abilities called here emotional intelligence, which include self control, zeal and persistence, and the ability to motivate oneself. Theories of Emotional Intelligence Mayer-Salovey ability model In 1997 , John D. Mayer and Peter Salovey proposed the Mayer-Salovey ability model, it include four level. Show as below: Perception and Expression of Emotion Assimilating Emotion in Thought Understanding and Analysing Emotion Reflective Regulation of Emotion Perception and Expression of Emotion: the most basic level of emotional intelligence, it involve the perception and appraisal of emotion. For example, in the organisation, managers should able to identifying oneself and employees emotion and interpret it, in order to maintain the synergy within the organisation. Assimilating Emotion in Thought: the second level of emotional intelligence, it is the capacity of emotions to enter into cognitive thinking, use the emotion to communicate feelings. According to ( ) said the emotions prioritize thinking, for example, sometimes, people tend to respond to things emotionally, not rationally. It is something manager should pay attention. Understanding and Anglicising emotion: the third level of emotional intelligence, understand and reasoning about the emotion, for instance, happy, anger, sad, fear. It is important for managers to recognise the emotions, aware how employee unfold them and reason about them. Reflective Regulation of Emotion: it is the highest level of emotional intelligence, it involve the management and regulation of emotion in oneself and others. Mangers should utilise these skills into workplace, manage the employees emotion and motivate them to work effectively. The Bar-On Theory Unlike Mayer-Salovey ability model seen the EQ as abilities in different level, the Psychologist Reuven Bar-On ( ) viewed the emotional intelligence as array of nonncognative capabilities, competencies, and skills that influence ones ability to succeed in coping with environment demands and pressures. Bar-On identified five functional areas which are essential to emotional intelligence, show as following: ( ) Intrapersonal Skills Interpersonal skills Adaptability Scales Stress- Management Scales General Mood Bar-On Emotional Intelligence Theory Intrapersonal skills include emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, self-regards, self-actualization and independence. Interpersonal skills, there are interpersonal relationships, social responsibility and empathy. Adaptability scales cover problem solving, reality testing and flexibility. Stress-management scales involve stress tolerance and impulse control. General mood, happiness and optimism are two keys. Bar-On ( ) believes that if people go through appropriate training, emotional intelligence ability can be improved, furthermore, he believes that EQ along with IQ, construct the general intelligence of human beings. Bar-On developed the first measure of emotional intelligence, called Emotional Quotient Inventory. Individual with high EQ are more likely to meet the environment demands, which Bar-On (1997) explains Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQi) related to the potential to succeed rather than success itself. Daniel Goleman emotional intelligence model Daniel Goleman is a psychologist and journalist, he had published a book called Working with Emotional Intelligence, and the book became the best seller on both Atlantic. In the book, he created popular emotional intelligence model as below: Knowing Ones Emotions Management Emotions Motivating Oneself Recognizing Emotions in Others Handling Relationship Knowing Ones Emotions: it involving self- awareness, which means recognising emotion. It is the key for managers to aware employees emotions; it is also cover the ability to monitor the movement of emotion. Managing Emotions: It is the ability to handling emotions in appropriate way as process of self awareness building. It also means to give sympathy to someone or oneself when some one in difficulties, and mange to get rid of anxiety, gloom and irritability. Motivating Oneself: Organising emotions in the service of goal is important for self-motivation and creativity. According to ( ) it help to delaying gratification and stifling impulsiveness, and being able to perform well in different works and get into the flow state. Recognising emotions in others: it is the basic interpersonal skills, such as empathy. People who have empathic awareness are accustomed to spot others needs and wants. Handling Relationships: it require the skills in managing relationship and emotions, it is also the ability to interact with others effectively and smoothly. Emotional Intelligence personal relationship EQ is involved how to deal, perceive, understand and manage the emotions, it is helping individual in their relationship. In particular, for the manager to have emotional intelligence competencies, because managers need to engage with employees to achieve agreed goals, they can not work alone. Managers with higher EQ are more likely to be in flow and happy, they able to keep the positive mood, aware the negative mood, have better social life, and better relationship with subordinates. Because, higher EQ managers are able to motivate others through effective teamwork, encourage subordinate to achieve the pleasurable goals. Manger with lower EQ are likely express their feels and emotions in inappropriate way, they face trouble reading the body language, and low sensitivity about their and others feelings and emotion. Mangers with lower EQ whose tend to use authority to create the distance between themselves and subordinates, which is unfavourable for the organisation. Emotional Intelligence transformational leadership Transformational leadership seen as ( ) the ability to bring about significant change. It is relevant in the context of change management. As claimed ( ) transformational leaders able to manage changes in organisations strategy, culture, as well as employees motivation. Transformational leaders provide more freedom to employees, they focus on the intangible element, for instance the vision, value, building solid relationships, rather than controlling the employee by rules, incentives, power. Moreover, the emotional intelligence plays a critical role in the transformational leadership. There are four characteristics for transformational leader when they adopt emotional intelligence. The transformational leader able to provide a vision which desired in the future, it is the vision significantly better and appropriate than other ones. By using emotional intelligence ability, leaders communicate to employees in the way that the difficulties of change can be solved and the effort of change is worth. Transformational leadership moves employee more motivated, employees given opportunity to control, transformational leaders able to motivate employees focus on their own mission and goals, also define the boundaries within it which employee can accomplish it in the relative degree of freedom. Transformational leadership shift the employees concerns from the lower hierarchy of needs (physical needs, safety needs )to higher hierarchy of needs(self-esteem and self-actualization), which means the transformational leader not only meet the lower need through better salary, better working place, these leaders with emotional intelligence also pay attention to employees attitude in terms of personal growth and development. Transformational leaders motivate employees to do more than others, which encourage them to go beyond the self- interests to contribute the organisation. Emotional intelligence transformational leaders able to create the awareness of importance of changes, therefore when the employees admire their leaders, they have high level of trust in transformational leaders, they are positive and confidence about the changes confronted, it leads to willing contribute the organisation beyond the self-interest. Emotional Intelligence Leadership skills As ( ) found that a leader with high EQ is more effective than a leader with high cognitive capability, leaders with high EQ know and understand the secrets of the heart, they have developed what called an educated heart, a sense of personal and social responsibility. Therefore, Leaders with higher emotional intelligence performance better in certain skills, three main significant skills mentioned below: Self-awareness: it enable managers to accurate understand their strength and weakness, self awareness is also related to impulse control and tolerance stress. High EQ managers should able to cope with the difficult and challenging situation. Care Employee: it involves making the ease environment, and making employee relax. It is help to manager control impulse with regard to anger and others emotion, and make employee happy while they work, as a result to increase better teamwork and productivity. Relationship building skills: it is ability to build the relationship with people around which involve inside and outside the organisation. It also involve impulse control and stress tolerance skills, which is the key to in interpersonal managers, it is similar concept as above mentioned Daniel Goleman emotional intelligence model. Critics of Emotional Intelligence Goleman (1995) claims that if we look at sets variables of emotional intelligence persistence, warmth, optimism and so forth. We can predict important life outcomes. The way to interpret the claim is that people with more emotional intelligence traits are likely to be success in the life or workplace. The different traits such as empathy motivation, assertive, tolerance, optimistic, sociability, attention to details, extroversion and so forth, contribute to success. However, Barrick and Mount (1991) carried out research of 24.000 workers, they found top three personality trait which related to emotional intelligence traits which mentioned above. They found altruism and modesty were not related to job success, and extroversion, it include the good feeling and warmth were not predict the success for lawyers, teachers, although it is work in sales people. In addition, some of the series of traits may conflict, for instance people with higher demand to goals may have lower in cooperatio n, furthermore , it is not necessary means that organisation to recruit employee with higher emotional intelligence can be success, because when HR department prepare the job description, according to ( ) traits such as people skills, initiative, and persuasiveness appear in 67% of job description.. So, Golemans claim regarding emotional intelligence is seem like overblown, people with higher emotional intelligence can not be predicted the future success. Secondly, Goleman (1998) claims that Outstanding leaders emotional competencies make up to 85% to 100% of the competencies crucial for success. It not necessary true , because leader not only need to have emotional intelligence, they are also look for opportunity to allow them to lead effectively, and the success leaders always looking for better way to improve their performance. However, as ( ) mentioned clearly, there is link between an individuals ability to manage and generate emotions and leadership. In other hand ( ) discuss that the important of individualized consideration as an aspect of transformational leadership and identify charisma as an aspect of leadership. It means that individual consideration and charisma also the important factor for success leadership. Conclusion Overall, in the first part report, it has clear analysis the relation between change management and emotional intelligence, the organisation need to deal with changes all the time, they need to adopt appropriate strategy, structure, procedures to manage change, the report also mention the change management models, such as Kanters 10 commandments, Pettigrew 5 factors, Kotters 8 failure and success factors, and SARA model. At the second part, it focus on how managers communicate undergoing changing process, the way to aware and monitor employees emotion, the conception of emotional intelligence has been introduced, the different definition also been stressed. Moreover, the theories of emotional intelligence also been listed, it provide the clear picture for managers in what extent and how to utilise the emotional intelligence. The third part of the report, has critical analysis the relationship among emotional intelligence, personal relationship, transformational leadership, leadership skills. It is the way to examine the emotional intelligence in other perspectives. The advantage and disadvantage side of the emotional intelligence in relation to transformational leadership, and the skills need for emotional intelligence managers. At the last part, the critics of emotional intelligence has been arise, the argument been made regarding the claim of Daniel Goleman. First claim about the variable of emotional intelligence can predict the important life outcome. The report has provided the examples and other authors research to argue the thesis. As result, the emotional intelligence has overstated, people with higher emotional intelligence can not predict the future success. The second claim said the Outstanding leaders emotional competencies make up to 85% to 100% of the competencies crucial for success. It is the only significant factor related to leaders success, it is one of many among important factors. Ref
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Abraham Lincoln Essay -- essays research papers
Abraham Lincoln was a man who was best known for bold standing against the difficult problems of his day. Issues such as slavery, negro social and political rights, and saving the Union in a nation based on the Declaration of Independence. Lincoln had many strength as well as flaws. He considered himself a common man and was not interested in his ancestry. Lincoln was a self educated man, who had never had a full year of schooling in his life. But, the 16th President of the United States became "a casualty of conflict". Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809. He was born to Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks Lincoln. In 1816, the Lincoln's moved from Kentucky to across the Ohio River to Indiana. His father left Kentucky "partly on account of slavery; but chiefly on account of the difficulty in land titles in Ky." Early on in life Lincoln had religious reasons for disliking slavery. His family was Separate Baptists who adhered to a strict code of morality that condemned profanity, intoxication, gossip, horse racing, dancing, and slavery. October 5, a little over a year after living in Indiana, Lincoln's mother died of a devastating outbreak of what was called "milk sickness", along with several other relatives. The hardest years of Lincoln's life were yet to follow. After a short time it became apparent that Thomas Lincoln could not cope with his family by himself. Thomas went back to Kentucky to seek a wife. He married Sarah Bush Johnson. They made a businesslike arrangement for her to move to Indiana to take care of his family and for him to pay for her debts. Sarah Lincoln's arrival marked a turning point in Abraham Lincoln's life. Sarah brought her three children of her own into the Lincoln family. The Lincoln children felt that they had joined the world of luxury when Sarah brought knives, forks, spoons, tables and chairs, and comfortable bedding. But most of all she brought the love. Although Sarah was illiterate, she felt that it was important for the children to be educated. Lincoln became adept at writing and reading. And almost from the beginning he a became a leader. These years of Lincoln's childhood were short. He grew up in tough economic times. Out of necessity Abraham was worked very hard on the family farm. He was even hired out to work for other farmers and by law Thomas Linco... ... Sherman's army to storm through and end the war. He did this as the surest way to end the killing and salvage the American dream. Lee surrendered his forces at Appomatox Courthouse on April 10, 1865. Four days later Lincoln was shot by an assassins bullet, while attending a play at the Ford's Theater. John Wilkes Booth, the assassin, enter the president's theater box, and at a distance of about two feet shot Lincoln in the back of the head. Booth escaped by jumping down on to the stage and escaped through the rear of the theater. Twenty-one men carried Lincoln out of the theater to a boarding house down the street. Lincoln never regained consciousness. At 7:22 p.m., April 15, 1865, President Lincoln was pronounced dead. It was not until April 26 that Booth was tracked down to a farm in Virginia, where he was shot. American innocence died with Booth's shot at Ford's Theater. Lincoln would not live to see the peace that he had strived 4 long years for. We will always wonder what Lincoln would have done for this country if he had not died. Instead, we will always ponder what was lost that night at the Ford's Theater, what ended there and what began.
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